Intelligent System FP – 28/11/2019 update In the forth week, we managed to make the board to be filled with each player’s disk. In this case, there are player one and player two, in which the disks will replace the zeroes. The function will keep checking whether if the index contains a zero or other […]
Fiqhy Bismadhika
Ad immortalitatis et aurea era
Monthly Archives: November 2019
InSyst Project – Week 3
Intelligent System FP – 21/11/2019 update At the third week meeting, our group had taken the first step in creating the Connect 4 game. We arranged how the data and its container would be placed and presented. The data will be inserted into an array that simulates columns and rows as in the game. For […]
InSyst Project – Week 2
Intelligent System FP – 31/10/2019 update The second discussion group has taken place. For our AI Connect Four, we will use the Mini-Max algorithm. Because, the algorithm is suitable for decision making to find the optimal move in a board game such as Connect Four. However, Mini-Max can be considered slow because at each turn, […]